EYE 2018

Lingvpolitika Rolludo: Kukumio

Priskribo, reguloj kaj materialoj por ludi troviĝas ĉi tie. Bildorajtoj apartenas al Elena Khusanova; plenkoran dankemon al ŝi kaj al la pluraj aktivuloj kaj ludantoj, kiuj partoprenis en la cerbumado por renovigi la ludon kaj igi ĝin ludeblan dum pluraj aranĝoj en 2016.

Tiu ĉi aktivaĵo ne okazos dum EYE/YO!Fest 2018, sed ĝia priskribo restas videbla ĉi tie.

Priskribo de la aktivaĵo

Participants (up to 25) will be split into 5 groups by the 2 game animators, each group playing the representatives of a distinctive language community (Cucumbers, Tomatoes, Onions, Pickles, the Government) of a fictitious country called “Cucumberia”.

The background story of the country, rules of the game and tasks will be explained. Each group has to discuss and present reforms to the education and mass media system, investing a certain amount of money in specific services (e.g. university or television). As not enough money will be provided in order to satisfy the needs of every community, compromises and defense of each group’s priority have to be made. A discussion of the proposals, amendments and a final reflection session will follow.

The game is a lifelike role-playing game with board-game-like material (similar to Werewolf): participants receive cards stating to which linguistic group they belong, fake money (called “seeds”), cards representing the purchasable options, and printed grids to fill in their decisions about investments. The materials depict funny, colourful human-like vegetable figures. Everything is designed, printed and provided by TEJO.

The game can be played at least twice, preferably in the late morning or early afternoon. It lasts around 1h30. For the YO!Fest, it will be played in English, but could be arranged in several other European languages as well.

Celoj kaj rezultoj de la aktivaĵo

The objectives are, through a roleplay game, to tackle the issues of intercultural communication and of language policies in diverse and open societies, and to underline the importance of a neutral communication toolkit. We also aim to show that just language policies are difficult to set up and often underestimated, although they have financial implications.

This game is a unique TEJO game that we regularly showcase in various international youth events. It is a fun and playful way to highlight the action of TEJO as an YFJ member, and the reasons behind this action, as it gives a practical insight into the core issues tackled by TEJO all over the world. It shows both how TEJO – and any youth organisation – can use a game to put its agenda forward, and how much communication problems matter, although they are often overseen.